Dr Dean Schaner, B.S., D.C., D.I.B.A.K.
Dr Dean Schaner is a holistic health care doctor whose own health issues and inborn desire to understand all aspects of the human being has lead him down a path of self healing and transformation. His mission is to create a world of healthy, happy, conscious people by informing, inspiring and assisting the transformation of everyone he works with.
After years of suffering from fatigue, depression, brain fog, food allergies and intolerance and getting no answer or real solutions from the medical doctors, Dr Schaner become a student of health and nutrition. Despite reading and studying anything he could on nutrition he was still having issues. His mother, who saw that he was unhappy and suffering, urged him to see her "voodoo" doctor, a chiropractor who used manual muscle testing to help assess the root causes of health problems with his patients. With hesitation and resistance he went to see her "doctor." That day changed his life forever.
After a brief health history and some "muscle testing" the "voodoo" doctor was able to tell him more about what was going on with him than any "doctor" before. From that day on Dr Dean Schaner became fascinated with kinesiology - using manual muscling testing as an assessment tool to identify areas of dysfunction within the body. Through his studying of kinesiology, functional medicine, and holistic healthcare, he saw how powerful and valuable manual muscle testing could be not just to assess body function, but whole person, mind - body - and spirit integration.
Dr Dean Schaner uses kinesiology as a way to ask the body what is wrong and how to best fix it i.e. support the natural healing process of the body. In this way your care is guided by the innate widsom of your own body.
Dr Dean Schaner utilizes safe, natural therapies to help support the natural healing process of the body. Therapies he uses include: chiropractic, acupuncture meridian therapy, color therapy, sound therapy, homeopathy, herbs, and clinical nutrition.
Dr Schaner would urge anyone who has never tried kinesiology or someone who is looking for answers to their health issues to please contact his office to set up an initial evaluation. Like him, your life may never be the same.
Dr. Dean Schaner is Board Certified Diplomate of Professional Applied Kinesiologist, and Doctor of Chiropractic. He was awarded the best Diplomate candidate of the year for 2010-11 by the International Board of Examiners. His studies include: Clinical Nutrition, Functional Medicine, Homeopathy, T.B.M. (Total Body Modification), N.E.T. (Neuro-Emotional Technique), The Lifeline Technique, Matrix Energetix, Functional Lab Testing Analysis, and Total Kinesiology - a revolutionary kinesiological based energetic system developed by Dr Timothy Francis that addresses the "cause" of disease and harmonizes the entire mind - body - spirit.

Dr Dean Schaner, B.S., D.C., D.I.B.A.K.
Bachelors of Science (Human Anatomy & Fitness and Wellness)
Doctorate of Chiropractic from Parker College of Chiropractic
Diplomate International Board of Applied Kinesiology (Professional Applied Kinesiologist)